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International Entrepreneurship in the Arts: Online survey


IFACCA is assisting Dr Lidia Varbanova, an international consultant in strategies and entrepreneurship in the arts and creative industries, in her research on International Entrepreneurship in the Arts. As part of the research process, Dr Varbanova has prepared an online survey that can be accessed in English, Spanish and French

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Fira Mediterrània de Manresa 2014

Fira Mediterrània participates in a joint project with Foundation Royaumont, and other festivals including those in Avignon and Aix-en-Provence. In Spain, Fira launches a partnership with TROVAM – the only spanish music fair in Valencia. Txarango will enter the Portuguese market for the first time through Fira Mediterrània. To give both our music and artists new horizons – this is the overriding objective of the Fira Mediterrània Manresa Action Plan 2014.

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Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)

Laculture presente AECID
Laculture presente AECID

Abierto el plazo de las becas MAEC-AECID para proyectos artísticos. La Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) ha publicado la convocatoria de becas para la realización de un proyecto innovador, artístico o de investigación, por creadores, investigadores y restauradores en la Academia de España en Roma durante el curso 2014-2015.