The current climate in Europe creates space and urgency for new thinking, readiness for experimentation and risks. Our vision is ambitious. In order to make an impact, we focus on and mobilize creative initiatives to share our vision and goals. Under the 2018 theme Courageous Citizens, we continued successful initiatives, nurtured existing partnerships and created new ones, and scaled ideas and projects.
Mois : juin 2019
La Biennale du Cirque

Edito des directeurs artistiques de : La Biennale du Cirque
« La joie de l’incident qui dérange le cours des choses : c’est ça le cirque. » Bernard Kudlak
Depuis toujours et aujourd’hui plus que jamais le cirque attire et génère attroupement, curiosité, découverte, tout en gardant son essence propre … Au début des années 80, les pionniers du
nouveau cirque pensaient que la représentation de l’art et de la culture était trop élitiste.

Fêtons ensemble les 2 ans de mise en ligne du portail en créant la plus grande photothèque d’affiches de spectacles. On attend vos affiches !
Tout débute en avril 2014 lorsque Bruno Graziana, pour répondre, en tant que consultant, à une demande d’un programmateur qui recherche un spectacle sur le thème de l’économie sociale et solidaire, constate que sur le web et malgré les moteurs de recherche et les réseaux sociaux, il est impossible de trouver un spectacle par thématique.

Pendant cinq jours, découvrez les ateliers de pratique artistique amateur proposés depuis l’automne 2018 par les Plateaux Sauvages. Cinq jours « portes ouvertes » pour participer, en tant que spectateur ou comme amateur à des séances « découverte » à l’atelier que vous pouvez adopter dès le 22 juin 2019.
The 2019 Burtynsky Grant

Goes to Teresa Eng for her book project « China Dream”.
Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky and CONTACT established the Burtynsky Grant in 2016—a $5,000 annual grant to support Canadian artists and photographers who are at the advanced stages of developing a photobook for publication.
Europe Direct A Coruña

Europe Direct A Coruña elabora un boletín electrónico dando a conocer las últimas novedades en la Unión Europea. En este boletín (formato pdf) usted podrá informarse sobre noticias, becas y vacantes, ayudas comunitarias, búsquedas de socios…
Si desea recibir el Boletín « 9 Minutos UE » de Europe Direct A Coruña, suscríbase a nuestra mailing list.

Call for contributions for new publication on art in rural areas
We are working on a new Fresh Perspectives publication on art in rural areas. The publication will be a part of our bigger endeavour to ensure the recognition of the role arts play in rural areas and to put forward effective solutions to support artists and cultural professionals meeting various challenges when working in rural and peripheral districts.
You can help us make an inspiring and convincing publication by telling us about your project(s) which you have developed / are developing in a rural area and by sharing your experience, including specific challenges, of working in and with rural communities.
Please reply briefly to the questions on the form below, and our research team will get in touch with you if we need more details.
Submit contribution
Submissions deadline: 28 June
We would appreciate a lot if you could spread this survey among your peers, so that we could collect as many relevant examples of art projects in rural areas as possible and make sure art professionals from different parts of the world can benefit from our research and advocacy. This call is also available on our website.
Thank you!

Beyond the Obvious Conference and CAE AGA & Members’ Forum registrations are now open!
We are happy to announce that the upcoming Beyond the Obvious (BtO) Conference, Culture Action Europe’s Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Members Forum will take place 23-26 October 2019 in Konstanz-Kreuzlingen.
Culture Crops: cultural practices in non-urban territories sparks the debate on peripheral territories. Where does their territory begin and where it does it end? How do they see themselves and how are they seen by others? What are they and how do they work?
Culture Crops is the conference on the road. Various thematic itineraries are proposed to the participants in order to experience the diversity of models of practice present in the region. These visits include facilitated debate and exchange between similar practices from other parts of Europe and offers an opportunity for learning and peer-to-peer exchange. Conference also features high level keynote speeches and panel discussions, as well as capacity building workshops and a project agora.
Register before 13 September 2019 and get the Early Bird discount!