If you are searching for Live Sound companies, Theatrical Lighting companies, Staging companies or any other Event Production companies such as; Video Projection, Set Design, Set Construction, Audio – Lighting – Staging manufacturers, Lasers, Touring Cases, Pyrotechnics, Generators, Tour Buses, Theatrical – Freight Forwarding, Theatrical Trucking, Music Backline or Radio Communications to put on your Concert, Event, Tradeshow, Corporate Theatre, Festival or Fair, you have come to the right site.
What is the Event Production Directory?
The EPD is used year-round by:
Event Producers Touring Shows Corporate Producers
Rental Companies Production Managers Fairs & Festivals
Promoters Production Companies Production personnel
Facility Managers Personal Managers Producers
Basically, anyone who is involved in live event production.
The EPD in print…
The Event Production Directory is the most widely distributed production directory of its kind. Going to the combined readership of Projection Lights & Staging News and FRONT of HOUSE magazines, the EPD is the essential source for locating any type of live event production companies. Only those individuals that are subscribers to PLSN and FOH magazines receive the EPD for free. All others must purchase the directory at www.plsnbookshelf.com
How do I get my company listed?
As you can see, it is vital to have your company listed in the Event Production Directory. Luckily, it’s free and easy to do. Simply register and you will be able to start your own EPD account and begin managing your companies and listings right away. If at any time you need help, just click on the help/tutorial links and you will pe presented with a step-by-step guide.
Search the Event Production Directory:
With our search engine, you can search by location, gear & equipment and/or service type so you can quickly and easily get the results you need.
Start by choosing a Company service section:
- Lighting
- Sound
- Staging / Rigging
- Video & Projection
- Set / Scenic Design and Construction
- Manufacturers / Distributors / Theatrical Retailers
- Lasers
- Fog and Haze Machines
- Pyrotechnics
- Generators
- Cases
- Coaches
- Freight Forwarders
- Trucking
- Radio Communications
- Labor Companies
- Pipe & Drape / Tent Companies
- Backline
- Soft Good Manufactures / Distributors
- Ticketing & Credentials