The Allianz Cultural Foundation addresses primarily exceptionally gifted young academics and artists in Europe. In particular, we support cooperative projects with involved partners from at least three countries. In addition to the required artistic, academic or respectively educational quality, the project application has to point out, that the participating project partners share the financial and thematic responsibility and cooperate at eye level. Special attention is paid to projects, which enable long-term networks between the involved artists and project partners. Hence the Allianz Cultural Foundation only supports projects but no institutions. The Allianz Cultural Foundation focuses on particular regions within Europe. Aside from the countries of Central and South-eastern Europe the focal point of the next years lies on the Mediterranean area.
The criteria for funding focus on contemporary concepts of every genre and media which prove new ideas in the arts, culture and education. The projects may also be workshops, whereas the active knowledge transfer and the exchange of experiences between the participants are valued just as the result itself. Furthermore, sponsored projects should on the long run appeal to a larger audience than only professionals.
Project applications – the most important at a glance
The deadlines for project applications for the years 2014 and 2015 have expired on March 31, 2013 and March 31, 2014 respectively.
Project applications for projects in 2016 have to be received via electronic and regular mail by March 31, 2015, at our office. (For conventional mail counts the postmark.)
The application should include maximum 5 pages and should contain the following: 2-3 pages with information about the project (conception/timetable/project partner, not standardized) | 1 page budget planning | 1 page application sheet (standardized form, which you can find on the right top of this page)
The budget planning (1 sheet) should clearly indicate what concrete subtotal you apply for, and for what purposes.
The application sheet aims at outlining the project briefly and clearly on 1 page maximum.
As a matter of principle, the Allianz Kulturstiftung only co-finances projects at maximum 50%, and never assumes full financing.
The duration of the project aid is always limited in terms of time for one year. It is possible to reapply, but there is no guarantee on whether the funding continues or not.
Please send your applications by email as well as by post to the following address:
Allianz Kulturstiftung
Pariser Platz 6
10117 Berlin
Excluded from funding are:
external publications without reference to a funded project
production costs óf exhibitions, concerts, dance, theatre or opera events
art or real estate purchases
institutional costs
maintenance or restoration work
acquisition of technical equipment
events in the field of sports and entertainment
commercial sponsoring activities
The application procedure
Applications for grants should outline the planned project on the project sheet (1 page) and beyond that, should embrace a detailed concept (2-3 pages) of the project as well as a schedule and financial plan. The applications have to be handed in digitally via email as well as via conventional mail.
Should the sponsoring principles of the foundation be fulfilled, the application is presented to the interdisciplinary Advisory Board for discussion, since this is the board for academic and artistic matters that bears responsibility for the quality of the projects selected. The Advisory Board then makes its respective recommendation to the Board of Trustees, which – having the authority to specify guidelines – makes the final decision for the sponsorship programme.
Aktion KulturAllianzen
In addition to its cooperational projects all over Europe, the Allianz Kulturstiftung is also engaged at a local and regional level in Germany with its Aktion KulturAllianzen. As an independent project within the Foundation’s sponsorship programme it accompanies and aids the cultural commitment of representatives of the Allianz SE on a local level. At the moment aid is limited to 2,250 euros per project, two thirds of which comes from the Allianz Kulturstiftung, one third from the local Allianz representative. Further information on this project can be found under projects on this homepage.