The Assembly will be held on 4-5 December at the « Académie Royale de Belgique » in Brussels in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
The event contributes to the follow-up on the Ministerial Conference on Culture (Moscow, 15-16 April 2013) by offering in the framework of the Council of Europe ‘s CultureWatchEurope initiative a seminar and public forum on « Culture and Democracy – Transparency in Multi-Stakeholder Governance Systems ».
The most recent version of the Agenda can be found on the Compendium homepage. Guests are cordially invited, especially to the Public Forum on Friday, 5th December, 13.30-17h
At this event, cultural policy makers, experts and practitioners from all over Europe will discuss, inter alia, the draft framework of indicators on culture’s contribution to democracy, identify indicators on culture’s contribution to democracy and will – based on empirical evidence or case-studies – debate controversial issues.
More information is available on the Compendium homepage as well as on its Facebook / LinkedIn extensions.