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Afirmar o Futuro

Conferencia Gulbenkian @
Conferencia Gulbenkian @

A 6 e 7 de outubro regressam ao Auditório 2 as Conferências Gulbenkian, numa iniciativa do presidente da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Como melhorar a eficácia e a sustentabilidade das políticas públicas em Portugal é um dos objetivos subjacentes à escolha do tema da conferência, que tem como coordenador o professor universitário Viriato Soromenho-Marques.

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Make the most of Womex’s networking meetings and presentations

womex @
womex @

Part of what makes WOMEX so important and effective to many of our delegates’ businesses is our Networking Meetings and Presentations. This is where representatives from across the globe come together to build new partnerships and develop innovative ideas. Below, we’ve detailed the Networking Meetings and Presentations at WOMEX 2014:

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Creative Europe

euclid @
euclid @

The next deadline for the Creative Europe: Culture programme is 1 October 2014. Euclid is offering a one-hour webinar (on 10 September) to help you understand and complete the application form – full details are in the following section.

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Cultural Engineering Group

cultural engineering @
cultural engineering @

Cultural Engineering Group est membre de l’Institut de Coopération pour la Culture depuis sa création et nous proposons de partager avec l’ensemble de la communauté les différentes contributions de l’ICC à partir de cette page dédiée. L’institut de Coopération pour la Culture se propose d’être un espace d’interprétation en restituant les apports dans un corpus de réflexion avec pour exigence de transmettre les résultats, et aussi la manière dont ils se sont construits. 

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What is the impact of arts and cultural clustering on local productivity ?


cultural-engineering @
cultural-engineering @

n recent years, academics and consultants have argued that the arts and cultural sector can boost productivity in other sectors of the local economy, through two main mechanisms. By creating urban environments that attract professionals with high levels of human capital and their innovative, high-growth employers.

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How to program lights to music
Steve Irwin – ZioGiorgio [email protected]

Another great question I gets asked a lot is, how do I program lighting to music. Whether that be live music or even just syncing lights to some type of canned music. It seems like a simple question but it actually is a great one to ask. I just added a video below that is a great sample of “lights to music”, please check it out.

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CIRCLE Network

Cultural Information and Research Centres Liaison in Europe (CIRCLE) was a European network established formally in 1984, which operated as an independent think-tank dedicated to developing cultural policy models for Europe. The regular activities of CIRCLE ceased in 2007, although its individual and institutional members continue to collaborate in other frameworks.

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Convocadas de becas de gestión cultural y creación artística présente AECID présente AECID

La Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) ha convocado los programas de becas MAEC-AECID en Cultura y Educación para el curso académico 2014-2015, entre ellas, las becas para gestión cultural en el exterior, las becas para proyectos artísticos en el exterior, las becas del programa de residencias « El Ranchito » o las becas para la realización de prácticas en publicaciones de la AECID.

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Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC)

Calls for Grants (2014). The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) was established in 2007 by local cultural lobbyists as an independent initiative that funds individuals and organizations in the fields of cinema, performing arts, literature, music and visual arts while facilitating cultural exchange, research and cooperation across the Arab world and globally.